Yes, it's estimated that 80% of Israelis fully support the slaughter, which likely encompasses some of the sniveling, departing gutless wonders. Sure these folks will welcome and appreciate American service members who may well die bailing out the fascist, revanchist Zionist junta.

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Not one drop of American blood for Israel!

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Important aricle - thank you. As the Jews continue their psychotic rampage their carefully contstructed victim narrative is wearing thin; the atrocities- gang rapes, bulldozing over handcuffed Palestinans, hanging a ten year old boy from a lampost, deliberately shooting toddlers in the head, the gleeful sadistic torture of prisoners and posting TikTok videos of the abuse, music videos celebrating demolition of Palestinian neighborhoods, hospitals, mosques, churches, assassination of doctors, ambulance drivers, reporters, civilian protestors, as well as the ongoing wholesale deliberate slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent women and children- the true depravity and self deluded murderous insanity of Jewish exceptionalism is revealed to the world. And now it is us who will never, ever forget.

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They believe and are devoted to their “savoir” :

Talk about drinking the kool aid!!

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